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Division of Tax Assessment

The Tax Assessment Division is responsible for establishing real estate values for the purpose of maintaining a municipal property tax base. It also is charged with:

  • Reviewing new construction for added assessment.
  • Processing and reviewing veteran/senior citizen deductions and farmland/exemption applications.
  • Reviewing new subdivisions for taxation purposes.
  • Reviewing taxpayer assessment complaints.
  • Maintaining assessment records of each separate parcel of real property assessed or exempted.
  • Supervising the maintenance of a current tax map of the Township as public record and recording all changes in ownership or character of assessed real property.

The Division of Tax Assessment is managed by the Marlboro Township Tax Assessor who is under the supervision of the Monmouth County Board of Taxation which is under the jurisdiction of New Jersey Division of Local Property Taxation Department of Treasury.

732-536-0200 ext 1803