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Open Public Records Act (OPRA)

How do I request public records from the Township of Marlboro under the OPEN PUBLIC REQUEST ACT (OPRA)?

A request (OPRA request form) for access to a government record(s) must be in writing and hand-delivered, mailed, (attention: Municipal Clerk, 1979 Township Drive, Marlboro, NJ  07746), fax number: 732-972-6928, transmitted electronically (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ), and an on-line request:  A records request under OPRA cannot be made by telephone.

When requesting records, the request must be as specific and identifiable as possible. For example, requestors must identify types of records, dates (date range is required), parties to correspondence, subject matter, etc. Requests for information or requests that include questions are NOT valid OPRA requests and your request will be denied. 


A custodian may also seek clarification of a broad or unclear request. The custodian’s request for clarification must be in writing, within seven (7) business days of receipt of the request. If a custodian seeks clarification of a request for open records (OPRA) the response time clock stops until the requestor provides a response to the custodian.

A custodian is obligated to search files to find the specific identifiable government records listed in the requestor’s OPRA request. A custodian is not required to research files to determine which records, if any, might be responsive to a broad and unclear OPRA request.

*Example of an overly broad request: “Any and all records related to the construction of the new high school.”

*Example of a valid request: “Emails between Jane Doe and John Smith regarding the construction of the new high school from January 1, 2009 to February 28, 2009.”

The custodian of records has seven (7) business days to respond to the public records’ request. Day One (1) is the day following the custodian’s receipt of the request. If an extension is to the deadline is warranted, you will be contacted.

Most Frequently Requested Documents:

  • Open/Closed Permits (open permits does not require a date range)
  • Code/Zoning Violations
  • Survey
  • Tax Liens
  • Land Use Resolutions (planning/zoning), site plans, applications

County/State Level Documents:

FEMA Flood Maps

732-536-0200 ext 1805